Shua Shen

Name: Shua Shen

Meaning: Brush God

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male 

Species: PanFan

Nationality: Chinese

Birthday: January 31st

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Country: China

Favorite Cultural Food: Chinese Food

Favorite Drink: Boba Tea

Fan Inspiration: Chinese Celestial Brush God

Personality: Brave and Bold

Favorite Cultural Theme: Imperial

Crush: Kaʻahuʻula

Acessories: Ying-Yang Ribbons

Favorite Mythological Creature: Chinese Dragon

Fears: The Number 4

Phobia: Tetraphobia

Fighting Style: Kung Fu

Favorite Holiday: Chinese New Year

Likes: Wuxia TV Shows, Chinese Culture, Karate Lessons, Hunting Down, Fortune Cookies, Good Luck Fortune, and Listening to Chinese Music and Chinese Zen Music.

Dislikes: The Number 4, Internet Trolls, Bad Fortune Cookies, and Impostors

Trivia: Shua Shen's Favorite Mythological Creature is Chinese Dragon that represents the Chinese Zodiac and the year is 2000, 2012, and 2024!



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