Don't be an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat!

 Well, Luissonicthespeedboy is cautioned me to Carol the Cat "Don't be an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat!" Luissonicthespeedboy will have to Ignore Hazel the Vixen for Carol the Cat is Not Trolling Anybody. Luissonicthespeedboy will be cautioned to Carol the Cat not to Troll on the Internet. Luissonicthespeedboy are having an Imagination of is about Misbehaving Users getting zapped by a lightning summoned by Site Staff for bullying people. Luissonicthespeedboy is trying to caution Carol the Cat not to Troll Anybody in the Internet. Luissonicthespeedboy will ignore HazeltheVixen and saying "Don't be an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat!" How Carol the Cat is Protected by Luissonicthespeedboy to ignore HazeltheVixen and say to Carol the Cat. "Don't be an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat!" Carol the Puspin Cat is not an Internet Troll Anymore. Carol the Cat will wipe the Internet Troll Memories out of her Brain. Luissonicthespeedboy has to Ignore Her for Carol the Cat is not an Internet Troll. Why did Luissonicthespeedboy cautioned to Carol the Cat not to Troll Anybody. Luissonicthespeedboy told Carol the Cat "Don't be a Troll!" Carol the Cat stopped Trolling in the Internet. Carol the Cat will Learn more about Trolling with Luissonicthespeedboy. What did Luissonicthespeedboy speak to HazeltheVixen. "Carol the Cat is an Internet Troll!" Luissonicthespeedboy said "Why, Why Carol the Cat is not an Internet Troll?" Luissonicthespeedboy will have to Ignore HazeltheVixen. Luissonicthespeedboy is saying to Carol the Cat. "You are Not an Internet Troll!" Luis said "Trolling in the Internet is Not Nice, It's Mean!" You know what to do Ignore Hazel and Carol the Cat will be Taking Care of Luis. So, Ignore Hazel and Stop Acting like an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat. Luis says to Carol the Cat. "Stop acting like an Internet Troll, Trolling is Not Okay!" Luissonicthespeedboy would have to Ignore Hazel the Vixen for Carol the Cat not Trolling in the Internet. Luissonicthespeedboy said to HazeltheVixen when Carol the Cat is not a Troll on the Internet. "I told you Don't be an Internet Troll, Carol the Cat!" Luissonicthespeedboy will ignore HazeltheVixen.


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